John Whitmire獲頒Moms Demand Action組織..2023年理智槍枝候選人榮譽...


John Whitmire獲頒Moms Demand Action組織..2023年理智槍枝候選人榮譽。

John Whitmire獲頒Moms Demand Action組織..2023年理智槍枝候選人榮譽...

(John Whitmire 競選休斯頓市長)

正在競選休士頓市長的John Whitmire被Moms Demand Action授予 2023 年槍支意識候選人榮譽獎。


「我很榮幸獲得這項殊榮,」John Whitmire說。 “我一直致力於防止槍支暴力,並鼓勵負責任地擁有槍支。”

John Whitmire是德州參議院刑事司法委員會的長期主席,他起草了該州的紅旗法,該法為家庭和執法部門提供了一種方法,可以暫時將對自己或他人構成嚴重威脅的人的槍移走。

John Whitmire在德克薩斯州眾議院任職十年後,在過去 40 年裡一直代表德克薩斯州參議院第 15 區。 他知道休士頓是一座偉大的城市,多元化的人口聚集在一起解決棘手的問題。 John Whitmire希望透過解決我們城市面臨的棘手問題來充分發揮這座城市的潛力。 這些問題包括公共安全、非法傾倒、無家可歸、洪水和排水、街道和供水系統修復以及社區交通安全。 他還希望提高警察和消防員的士氣,讓他們知道休士頓支持他們。

John Whitmire Earns

Moms Demand Action Gun Sense Candidate Distinction

John Whitmire, who is running for Houston Mayor, has been awarded the 2023 Gun Sense Candidate Distinction by Moms Demand Action.

This distinction signals to the supporters and volunteers of Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, along with all voters, that a candidate advocates for gun violence prevention and will govern with gun safety in mind.

“I am honored to receive this distinction,” said Whitmire. “I have always fought to prevent gun violence and encouraged responsible gun ownership.”

Whitmire, longtime chair of the Texas Senate’s Criminal Justice Committee, authored the state’s red flag law, which gives families and law enforcement a way to temporarily remove guns from persons who pose a serious threat to themselves or others.

Whitmire has represented Senate District 15 in the Texas Senate for the past 40 years, after serving ten years in the Texas House. He knows Houston is a great city, where its diverse population comes together to tackle tough issues. Whitmire wants to see the city reach its full potential by taking on the tough issues facing our city. Those issues include public safety, illegal dumping, homelessness, flooding and drainage, street and water system repair and neighborhood traffic safety. He also wants to boost the morale of police and firefighters and let them know that Houston has their backs.


Know more about John Whitmire

Pol. ad. pd. John Whitmire Campaign









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