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Aries: The Ram

(MARCH 21- APRIL 20)



  Assertive; urgent; energetic; forthright; selfish; enthusiastic














  Denmark, England, France, Germany, Japan, Poland, Syria


  Birmingham (England), Brunswick, Capua, Florence, Krakow, Leicester, Marseille, Naples, Utrecht, Verona






  Holly, fir; thorn-bearing trees or bushes



Arnica, bayberry, broom, bryony, furze, honeysuckle, hops, geranium, juniper, leeks, milk thistle, mustard, nettle, onions, peppermint, rhubarb, tobacco; witch hazel


  Beer; leeks, onion, tomatoes; most strong-tasting foods

The Person
Aries are famed for their fiery, positive, outgoing nature. Considered among the most enthusiastic of the zodiac children, they have high energy levels and often fast-paced lifestyles. Aries are straightforward in outlook, highly competitive, and enjoy taking risks. Their fiery determination to accomplish things sometimes encourages hot-headedness and rudeness. Like the light-footed ram who represents their sign and who is able to climb the most jagged of mountainsides with grace and agility, Aries do all things in regardless of obstacles.


You are romantic all year long. The Sun guides your romances through Leo, so you definitely believe in love at first sight. But you also know how to be best friends with your lover- one of your best qualities as a mate.

You fearless, spontaneous personality sometimes leads you to get serious with someone before you know all the facts. Save yourself needless heartbreak- find out whether he or she is emotionally available before you ask for a date!

You are often drawn to people who have a difficult time trusting or who are bitter about love. Your tender heart may want to comfort and protect them, but going out with them can lead to frustration in the long run. Also avoid those who like to play the field and have no intention of becoming serious about anyone. They present a challenge that is hard to resist, but their immaturity will lead to unhappiness for you.

Rushing into what seems to be a permanent relationship can be a great mistake. Having said that, a really sound and lasting Aries commitment to a lover- who is equally enthusiastic, lively, and ready to experiment- can be pretty good!


You may be a starry-eyed innocent when you’re in love, but you’re all business when it comes to your career. Saturn, the cosmic taskmaster, guides your work life through you to make the most of your talents and personality to get ahead in your chose field. Aries’ leadership ability is second to none. No matter what field you work in, chances are you’ll end up in charge of people and projects without even trying. Your magnetic personality, decisiveness and cool lead in a crisis make you a favorite with co-workers and higher-ups alike. Many rams excel as soldiers, police officers, fire fighters, salespeople, surgeons, business executives and professional athletes. Your courage and split-second timing allow you to make bold moves and take risks. Some members of your sign save lives. Others simply find ways to improve them.

Enthusiastic Rams are among the best at gathering support for a project and getting it off the ground. But you are not so great at finishing touches. Fortunately, Capricorn energy supplies the self-discipline you need to see tasks through to completion.


Venus, ruler of your financial sign, Taurus, gives you a good head for figures and the willingness to work hard in order to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. But with your Aries impulsiveness, cash often slips through your fingers before you have a chance to save for the future. If you want to build a strong financial base, you must conquer the temptation to spend!

There are times when a sudden impulse can work to your advantage, however. The Sun, which rules Aries’ gambling and speculation through Leo, often brings you luck in the lottery, at the racetrack or in the stock market. As long as your bills are paid and you have put something aside in savings, feel free to make a wager or investment. Pluto guides your joint ventures through Scorpio, the sign of big business, so you could do well with a partner whose skills and interests complement yours. But don’t put up money for a friend’s enterprise just because you like him or her. In business, use your head, not your heart.

Health, Diet, and Exercise

The key to Aries good health is to make sure all your energy is positively used. If you can balance your physical life properly, you should have very few health problems- other than the occasional headache. If you are plagued by headaches, it will be worth your while to have a check up; a minor kidney disorder may be the cause. It is a rare Aries who has not fallen on his or her head at one time or another. In face, you seem almost to enjoy bumping your head and cutting or bruising yourself- sometimes simply because you are too hasty and slightly careless.

Apart from the bruises and sprains you bring upon yourself, you do tend to be accident-prone. Mars, which rules Aries, can make things worse. You probably find it difficult to slow down in any activity you do, so be sure to take appropriate precautions; always use pot holders, safety helmets, and eye shields where appropriate. You probably enjoy spicy foods- be careful; they can overheat you blood- and you need plenty of protein. Your taste will be for savory rather than sweet foods, and instead of sweets you may enjoy dried fruits. Sports will be important to you- ideally, competitive sports, which allow you to go out and win. You will enjoy boxing, wrestling, and the martial arts, but also aerobics and working on machines that build strength and muscle power.

So watch it, for example, when you are working in the kitchen with sharp knives and boiling water. And if you are into sports, be prepared for the occasional missing tooth, muscle sprain, or even a broken bone.

Leisure and Retirement

Your leisure time may be spent extending your work hours. For example, if you are a car mechanic, you may well spend your weekends working in the garage and your evenings working with only bits of car on the kitchen table! Sports may take up quite a lot of your leisure time as well. As we have already suggested, working out in a gym or participating in team sports will help you get rid of any surplus energy or latent aggression!

You will probably never lose your interest in do-it-yourself jobs, and home brewing may appeal to you. If you have some savings you can spare, you might like to play the stock exchange. Insurance, mining, or steel will probably be good investment for you. As far as more thoughtful relaxation is concerned, you may enjoy debating and arguing. You will be good at committee work, too, provided you keep your cool. And you find astronomy fascinating. And if you become interested in astrology, you will have to learn about astronomy anyway!

If you get bored with working out or feel you have just had enough of it, you might think about getting a dog. Long country walks, or even city strolls, will be enjoyable.



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