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Pisces: The Fish




  Ambiguous, deceitful, impressionable














  APortugal, Sahara, Scandinavia, small Mediterranean islands


  Alexandria, Santiago de Compostela, Seville







Those common to the seaside; ash, birch, chestnut, mulberry, Norfolk pine, oak, Willow


  Dandelions, lichens, lime-flowers, mosses, pinks, water lilies; also herbs associated with Cancer and Sagittarius, including sage, saxifrage


  Those associated with Cancer, including cucumbers, melons

The Person
Sensitive, sensual, emotional, and richly imaginative and creative, Pisceans are the otherworldly dreamers and poets of the zodiac. Deeply affected by the dual nature of their sign- symbolized by the two fishes swimming in opposite directions- Pisceans are often torn between wanting to do something real and valuable in the world or retreating from the world altogether to the safer harbors of their private worlds of imagination and dreams. This is an enormous pull for Pisceans, and because of its power, they are often prone to extreme nervous tension and even escapism. A lack of self-confidence is almost always at the root of a Piscean’s inability real world, but when this inability to get on with the real world, but when this weakness can be overcome, they are found among the finest humanitarians and artists in the world.


Pisceans are known as the Zodiac’s best lovers. Your empathy, intuition and effortless glamour have a lot to do with this. You also have the most chances to practice the art of love. You can find a casual date anytime. But it’s easiest to star a lasting love affair when the Moon is waxing- from New Moon to Full Moon- in Pisces or Cancer.

Neptune gives you a spiritual orientation and Jupiter makes you an incurable optimist. So you look for the best in everyone you date. But to protect your tender heart, you need to be a little skeptical. You are such a giving person that you can easily become a target for an emotional predator.

Get to know your companion really well before becoming intimate. Take a good look at your honey’s home. Check out side his or her workplace. Meet his or her friends and family. Some battle-scarred veterans of the dating wars even hire private detectives to investigate their partners’ backgrounds before getting too involved. You may not want to go that far, but take care of yourself.

When you fall in love, you immediately put on your favorite pair of rose-colored glasses. Unfortunately, they can often provide a less than clear view of your lover. Consequently, you may all too easily fall for- and be let down by- unscrupulous people. Or you may find it difficult to recognize your partner’s faults- and everyone has some faults! Your emotions can run so high and so close to the surface that a less than enthusiastic response from your partner- or a trivial remark or gesture- may well precipitate some truly terrible bedroom scenes.


Your versatility and adaptability are attractive to employers, but that is not the only reason to keep them in mind when job hunting. A position with varied duties and room for creativity is essential to your happiness at work.

Jupiter guides your career through Sagittarius. Both of these signs have a dual nature. Pisces’ symbol is a pair of fish, Sagittarius’ is the half-human, half-horse archer known as the centaur. When you have fulfilling work, you are on a mission to save the world- or at least improve conditions in your community. Assembly lines, typing pools and fast-food restaurants are not for you. The repetitive tasks would make you miserable, and that is no way to keep your boss happy or get ahead in your career. Of course, we all have to muddle through a certain amount of drudgery in first jobs or when hard times require doing anything for an honest dollar. But when you can afford to wait, hold out for a job with heart. “Do what you love, and the money will follow’ is a saying that applies to most Pisceans.

Many fish excel as musicians, filmmakers, writers, artists, athletes, teachers, counselors, clergy, health-care providers, business executives and law enforcement officers. Sagittarius’ love of travel guide, cruise ship captain or diplomat. You might also succeed in a career that involves lots of international travel or living abroad for extended periods of times. Some Pisceans who feel like Fish out of water in their native lands make a big splash when they work in other countries.


With your vivid imagination, it is easy for you retreat into a fantasy world to escape harsh reality. “If I ignore it, it will go away” is the Fish’s favorite adage. But that is not the way to approach money problems. When you let things drift, they just get worse. You need to take direct action to build financial security.

Mars, which rules your money matters through assertive Aries, gives you the courage to tackle your finances head-on and develop a budget that will keep you in the black. You are often of two minds about finances. That is only natural, since your sign is both dual- symbolized by two Fish swimming in opposite directions- and mutable. When you must make up your mind about a financial plan, you benefit greatly from the influence of Aries, a decisive fire sign. It helps you to pick the best choice available at the moment and be content with that. If a better alternative shows up later, your Piscean adaptability will allow you to make necessary changes.

Your first goal is to develop and stick to a budget. Put savings aside every month for long-term goals. Keep money for emergencies in another account you can access as needed. Then start a third fund for investments.

Health, Diet, and Exercise

You are likely to have a fairly sensitive system, easily affected by outside influences. Your ruling planet, Neptune, is related to the general nervous system, and in particular to the thalamus, which transmits stimuli to and from the sensory organs. Thus you react really strongly to external circumstances and conditions. Indeed, someone may only have to remark that you look a bit peaky for you feel the need to see a doctor. Even simple criticism can make you feel awful, develop a headache, or suffer a stomachache.

The Piscean body area is the feet, and most Pisceans suffer occasionally from blisters, malformed toes, bunions, and other foot ailments. You tend to like comfortable shoes and to wear sandals- even in cold weather. And you will have nothing to do with uncomfortable fashions such as ultra-high heels and pointy-toed boots. And rightly so!

It is worth nothing that many Pisceans dislike drugs so much that they refuse to take them, but this can be dangerous. When there is real illness present, work with your doctor to explore all the treatment options open to you. Be careful about what you put into your system when you are stressed- and you will be tempted to do that, given your sensitivity to outside influences and your propensity for worrying. Self-medicating stress and worry about legal drugs doesn’t solve the cause of those conditions and leads to health damage and substance abuse. This sign has an association with addiction. Pisceans should avoid smoking and excessive drinking.

When it comes to your general physical health, we can’t emphasize strongly enough how badly Pisceans often react to prescription drugs. Monitor your reactions to antibiotics in particular, and even to such common drugs as aspirin.

Leisure and Retirement

Retirement and leisure time offer Pisceans the opportunity to explore all creative potential and artistic interest that they have been unable to exercise at work.

Make time, and the talent will follow. Having a creative, artistic hobby or activity to which you are devoted will open up your life to an astonishing degree. It may be particularly good for you to get involved in a dance or movement class. Yoga will be Especially rewarding, as will any discipline that helps you develop your inner strength and center your personality. Craftwork is usually an excellent way of using any spray time, since you have a strong artistic bent that must be satisfied in one way or another. Pisceans are usually great readers, too, and as points of the zodiac there’s no reason you can’t write some verse as well as read it. Watch out, however, for your tendency never to star a creative project because you believe you simply don’t have time for it: in “Piscean speak,” this often means that you don’t think you are talented enough.



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